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terminal centres

  • 1 общая длина

    1) Construction: WL (сокр. whole length)
    2) Mathematics: the overall length (of), whole length
    3) Automobile industry: length over all
    6) Polymers: length overall

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > общая длина

  • 2 conexión

    1 connection, hookup, link, joint.
    2 connection, acquaintance.
    3 connection, association, relationship, bearing.
    4 connection, connexion, electric contact.
    5 connection, connexion, flight.
    6 login, log on, log in, logon.
    * * *
    1 TÉCNICA connection
    2 figurado relationship, connection
    estar en conexión con to be connected to
    * * *
    noun f.
    * * *
    1) (=relación) connection
    2) (Elec) connection

    en caso de mala conexión, apague el aparato — if there is a bad connection, switch off the machine

    conexión a tierra — earth, ground (EEUU)

    3) (TV, Radio, Telec)
    4) (Inform) interface
    5) pl conexiones (=contactos) contacts
    * * *
    a) (Elec) connection

    conexión a tierraground (AmE), earth (BrE)

    devolvemos la conexión a nuestros estudios — and now, back to the studios

    b) ( relación) connection
    c) (Transp) connection
    d) conexiones femenino plural (AmL) (amistades, relaciones) connections (pl), contacts (pl)
    * * *
    = connection [connexion], connectivity, link, linkage, linking, hinge, bond, connectedness, hook-up, link-up, relay point, logging, login, connecting flight.
    Ex. Access is via modified television set, a telephone (and its connections) and a simple keypad.
    Ex. An information system architecture defines a structure for describing communications connectivity between users of information and sources of information.
    Ex. Explanatory references give a little more explanation as to why the link between two names is being made in the catalogue or index.
    Ex. We have just stated that the linkage of varying titles and varying forms of entry have to be done on the same basis in an automated situation as in a manual situation.
    Ex. Bibliographic coupling is based on the idea that two articles which both cite another earlier article must have something in common; if they both cite two earlier articles, the linking is increased.
    Ex. The MeSH Thesaurus was designed to provide the ' hinge' between the object, its images, and related bibliographic material.
    Ex. Networking creates bonds where none may have existed and multiplies individual capabilities manifold.
    Ex. Increasingly, services will be built on communicating computers; ' connectedness' is what allows them to talk to each other.
    Ex. I & R manuals stress the importance of conference telephone facilities that enable threeway hook-ups to take place between client, I & R service and outside agency.
    Ex. Today the link-up with television is obviously very useful indeed.
    Ex. These information centres function as ports of first call for officials stationed nearby, and also as relay points to the central collections.
    Ex. This article describes procedures for logging on the OCLC-based regional network serving libraries in Nebraska.
    Ex. Internet access for electronic messaging, file transfer, and remote login to computer was originally only available to individuals in education and research institutions.
    Ex. What's saved from lower-cost airline tickets can be more than offset by the income lost when travelers cool their heels for hours waiting for connecting flights.
    * con buenas conexiones = well-connected.
    * conexión a las redes = networking service.
    * conexión a través de línea dedicada = leased line connection.
    * conexión de cables = wiring.
    * conexión dedicada = dedicated link, dedicated connection.
    * conexión de entrada = inlet.
    * conexión de terminal dedicada = dedicated terminal connection.
    * conexión entre ordenadores = computer link.
    * conexión mediante hiperenlaces = hyperlinking.
    * conexión mediante llamada telefónica = dial-up connection.
    * dispositivo de conexión = linking device.
    * en conexión con = in respect of.
    * establecer conexión = establish + link, make + connection.
    * establecer una conexión = achieve + connection.
    * facturación por tiempo de conexión = metered pricing, metered billing.
    * hora de conexión = connect hour.
    * intento de conexión = login.
    * interfaz de conexión = gateway, gateway computer.
    * operación de conexión = logging transaction.
    * procedimiento de conexión = logon procedure.
    * proceso de conexión = logon.
    * programa de conexión = logging programme.
    * que no posee ninguna conexión = disjoint.
    * reloj que registra el tiempo de conexión = accounting clock.
    * restablecer la conexión = re-establish + connection.
    * servicio de conexión a las redes = networking service.
    * tarifa calculada según el tiempo de conexión = connect time based pricing.
    * tarifa de conexión = connect charge, connect fee, connect-time charge.
    * tener malas conexiones con = have + poor connections with.
    * terminal de conexión mediante llamada telefónica = dial-in terminal.
    * tiempo de conexión = connect time.
    * tiempo de conexión en línea = online time.
    * vuelo de conexión = connecting flight.
    * * *
    a) (Elec) connection

    conexión a tierraground (AmE), earth (BrE)

    devolvemos la conexión a nuestros estudios — and now, back to the studios

    b) ( relación) connection
    c) (Transp) connection
    d) conexiones femenino plural (AmL) (amistades, relaciones) connections (pl), contacts (pl)
    * * *
    = connection [connexion], connectivity, link, linkage, linking, hinge, bond, connectedness, hook-up, link-up, relay point, logging, login, connecting flight.

    Ex: Access is via modified television set, a telephone (and its connections) and a simple keypad.

    Ex: An information system architecture defines a structure for describing communications connectivity between users of information and sources of information.
    Ex: Explanatory references give a little more explanation as to why the link between two names is being made in the catalogue or index.
    Ex: We have just stated that the linkage of varying titles and varying forms of entry have to be done on the same basis in an automated situation as in a manual situation.
    Ex: Bibliographic coupling is based on the idea that two articles which both cite another earlier article must have something in common; if they both cite two earlier articles, the linking is increased.
    Ex: The MeSH Thesaurus was designed to provide the ' hinge' between the object, its images, and related bibliographic material.
    Ex: Networking creates bonds where none may have existed and multiplies individual capabilities manifold.
    Ex: Increasingly, services will be built on communicating computers; ' connectedness' is what allows them to talk to each other.
    Ex: I & R manuals stress the importance of conference telephone facilities that enable threeway hook-ups to take place between client, I & R service and outside agency.
    Ex: Today the link-up with television is obviously very useful indeed.
    Ex: These information centres function as ports of first call for officials stationed nearby, and also as relay points to the central collections.
    Ex: This article describes procedures for logging on the OCLC-based regional network serving libraries in Nebraska.
    Ex: Internet access for electronic messaging, file transfer, and remote login to computer was originally only available to individuals in education and research institutions.
    Ex: What's saved from lower-cost airline tickets can be more than offset by the income lost when travelers cool their heels for hours waiting for connecting flights.
    * con buenas conexiones = well-connected.
    * conexión a las redes = networking service.
    * conexión a través de línea dedicada = leased line connection.
    * conexión de cables = wiring.
    * conexión dedicada = dedicated link, dedicated connection.
    * conexión de entrada = inlet.
    * conexión de terminal dedicada = dedicated terminal connection.
    * conexión entre ordenadores = computer link.
    * conexión mediante hiperenlaces = hyperlinking.
    * conexión mediante llamada telefónica = dial-up connection.
    * dispositivo de conexión = linking device.
    * en conexión con = in respect of.
    * establecer conexión = establish + link, make + connection.
    * establecer una conexión = achieve + connection.
    * facturación por tiempo de conexión = metered pricing, metered billing.
    * hora de conexión = connect hour.
    * intento de conexión = login.
    * interfaz de conexión = gateway, gateway computer.
    * operación de conexión = logging transaction.
    * procedimiento de conexión = logon procedure.
    * proceso de conexión = logon.
    * programa de conexión = logging programme.
    * que no posee ninguna conexión = disjoint.
    * reloj que registra el tiempo de conexión = accounting clock.
    * restablecer la conexión = re-establish + connection.
    * servicio de conexión a las redes = networking service.
    * tarifa calculada según el tiempo de conexión = connect time based pricing.
    * tarifa de conexión = connect charge, connect fee, connect-time charge.
    * tener malas conexiones con = have + poor connections with.
    * terminal de conexión mediante llamada telefónica = dial-in terminal.
    * tiempo de conexión = connect time.
    * tiempo de conexión en línea = online time.
    * vuelo de conexión = connecting flight.

    * * *
    1 ( Elec) connection
    conexión a tierra ground ( AmE), earth ( BrE)
    conexión a la red connection to the mains
    hay una mala conexión en el enchufe there's a loose connection in the plug
    devolvemos la conexión a nuestros estudios now we are going back to the studios
    2 (relación) connection
    no existe conexión entre la explosión y los acusados the explosion cannot be linked to the accused, there is no connection between the explosion and the accused
    pierde su conexión con el entorno he loses touch with the world around him
    3 ( Transp) connection
    perdí la conexión con Roma I missed my connection to Rome
    4 conexiones fpl ( AmL) (amistades, relaciones) connections (pl), contacts (pl)
    una empresa con conexiones en el extranjero a company with links o connections o contacts abroad
    satellite link
    * * *


    conexión sustantivo femenino
    a) (Elec) connection;

    conexión a tierra ground (AmE), earth (BrE);

    conexión a la red connection to the mains

    c) (Transp) connection;


    conexiones sustantivo femenino plural (AmL) ( amistades) connections (pl), contacts (pl)

    conexión sustantivo femenino connection [con, to/with] [entre, between]
    ' conexión' also found in these entries:
    - comunicación
    - consonancia
    - enlace
    - relación
    - close
    - connection
    - hook-up
    - link
    - link-up
    - loose
    - networking
    - tenuous
    - unconnected
    * * *
    1. [vínculo] connection;
    no hay conexión entre los dos accidentes there's no connection between the two accidents;
    está siendo investigado en conexión con el robo he is being investigated in connection with the robbery;
    una ciencia en íntima conexión con la biología a science very closely linked with biology
    2. [eléctrica, informática] connection;
    la conexión a la red eléctrica/telefónica no funciona the mains/telephone connection doesn't work;
    un hogar con conexión a Internet a home with an Internet connection, a home connected to the Internet
    Informát conexión por línea conmutada dial-up connection
    3. Rad & TV link-up;
    conexión vía satélite satellite link
    tener conexiones [amistades influyentes] to have connections;
    consiguió el trabajo gracias a sus conexiones she got the job thanks to her connections
    5. [vuelo] connection
    * * *
    f tb
    EL connection;
    conexión a Internet Internet connection;
    conexión telefónica INFOR dial-up connection
    * * *
    conexión nf, pl - xiones : connection
    * * *
    conexión n connection

    Spanish-English dictionary > conexión

  • 3 independiente

    1 independent.
    2 separate (aparte).
    3 freelance, indie.
    f. & m.
    independent, maverick.
    * * *
    1 independent
    2 (individualista) self-sufficient
    * * *
    * * *
    1. ADJ
    1) [gen] independent
    2) [piso etc] self-contained
    3) (Inform) stand-alone
    * * *
    adjetivo/masculino y femenino independent
    * * *
    = freebooting, self-contained, self-supporting, separate, stand-alone [standalone], free-standing, non-partisan [nonpartisan], self-directed, self-reliant, independent, independent, self-organising [self-organizing, -USA].
    Ex. Such considerations whether invested with the gravitas assumed by LSIC whenever they address such imponderables or when issued by freebooting critics miss the mark.
    Ex. From mainframe and mini-computers in the 60s and 70s the trend of the 80s is towards micro-based, self-contained personal computers on the one hand, and superfast, high-performance computers on the other.
    Ex. Three self-supporting scales for the measurement of reading attitude were used, namely, the questionnaires of Estes, Heathington, and La Pray.
    Ex. One of the most obvious of the limitations of this approach is that it is difficult to decide what constitutes a separate work.
    Ex. BLCMP (originally Birminghan Libraries Cooperative Mechanisation Project) is a co-operative venture which embraces both network and stand-alone services, and batch and online services.
    Ex. A free-standing terminal is a computer in its own right, which processes and stores data about the transactions and which may also exchange data with a central computer at predetermined intervals, say at the end of a working day.
    Ex. To support these ends, the public library must be readily accessible to all, its use must be free of charge, it must be non-partisan and non-sectarian.
    Ex. Libraries can play an important role in self-directed learning and in improving adult reading skills = Las bibliotecas pueden desempeñar un importante papel en el aprendizaje autodidacta y en la mejora de las habilidades lectoras de los adultos.
    Ex. The modern concept of helping library users become information literate, self-reliant learners must replace traditional BI = El concepto moderno de ayudar a los usuarios de la biblioteca a adquirir los conocimientos básicos en el manejo de la información, a ser alumnos autosuficientes, debe sustituir a la formación de usuarios tradicional.
    Ex. The organization wants employees to be dependent and the employee wants to be independent.
    Ex. However, recent book industry statistics show that the market share held by the independents is shrinking.
    Ex. These techniques may lead to the study of science as a self-organizing system in the form of neural network like structures.
    * actuar de un modo independiente = go it alone.
    * con financiación independiente = self-funded.
    * Federación Nacional de Asesorías Independientes (FIAC) = National Federation of Independent Advice Centres (FIAC).
    * semiindependiente = semi-independent.
    * ser independiente = go + Posesivo + own way, stand on + Posesivo + own (two) feet.
    * * *
    adjetivo/masculino y femenino independent
    * * *
    = freebooting, self-contained, self-supporting, separate, stand-alone [standalone], free-standing, non-partisan [nonpartisan], self-directed, self-reliant, independent, independent, self-organising [self-organizing, -USA].

    Ex: Such considerations whether invested with the gravitas assumed by LSIC whenever they address such imponderables or when issued by freebooting critics miss the mark.

    Ex: From mainframe and mini-computers in the 60s and 70s the trend of the 80s is towards micro-based, self-contained personal computers on the one hand, and superfast, high-performance computers on the other.
    Ex: Three self-supporting scales for the measurement of reading attitude were used, namely, the questionnaires of Estes, Heathington, and La Pray.
    Ex: One of the most obvious of the limitations of this approach is that it is difficult to decide what constitutes a separate work.
    Ex: BLCMP (originally Birminghan Libraries Cooperative Mechanisation Project) is a co-operative venture which embraces both network and stand-alone services, and batch and online services.
    Ex: A free-standing terminal is a computer in its own right, which processes and stores data about the transactions and which may also exchange data with a central computer at predetermined intervals, say at the end of a working day.
    Ex: To support these ends, the public library must be readily accessible to all, its use must be free of charge, it must be non-partisan and non-sectarian.
    Ex: Libraries can play an important role in self-directed learning and in improving adult reading skills = Las bibliotecas pueden desempeñar un importante papel en el aprendizaje autodidacta y en la mejora de las habilidades lectoras de los adultos.
    Ex: The modern concept of helping library users become information literate, self-reliant learners must replace traditional BI = El concepto moderno de ayudar a los usuarios de la biblioteca a adquirir los conocimientos básicos en el manejo de la información, a ser alumnos autosuficientes, debe sustituir a la formación de usuarios tradicional.
    Ex: The organization wants employees to be dependent and the employee wants to be independent.
    Ex: However, recent book industry statistics show that the market share held by the independents is shrinking.
    Ex: These techniques may lead to the study of science as a self-organizing system in the form of neural network like structures.
    * actuar de un modo independiente = go it alone.
    * con financiación independiente = self-funded.
    * Federación Nacional de Asesorías Independientes (FIAC) = National Federation of Independent Advice Centres (FIAC).
    * semiindependiente = semi-independent.
    * ser independiente = go + Posesivo + own way, stand on + Posesivo + own (two) feet.

    * * *
    1 ‹carácter› independent
    2 ‹político› independent
    independent, independent candidate
    * * *


    independiente adjetivo, masculino y femenino
    independiente adjetivo
    1 (sin ataduras) independent
    un partido independiente, an independent party
    2 (individualista) self-reliant
    ' independiente' also found in these entries:
    - absoluto
    - autosuficiente
    - bañera
    - chalet
    - autonómico
    - congelador
    - presentar
    - free agent
    - freelance
    - freestanding
    - independent
    - ITV
    - nonpartisan
    - unattached
    - emancipated
    - maisonette
    - self
    * * *
    1. [país, persona] independent
    2. [aparte] separate
    [político] independent
    * * *
    adj independent
    * * *
    : independent
    * * *
    independiente adj independent

    Spanish-English dictionary > independiente

  • 4 контакт

    boss, contact, engagement, fillet, contact member, contact piece, ( прерывателя-распределителя зажигания) point, contact stud, stud эл., tab, terminal, termination, tip
    * * *
    конта́кт м.
    замыка́ть конта́кт — close [make] a contact
    зачища́ть (напр. подгоревший) конта́кт — face up a (e. g., pitted) contact
    зачища́ть конта́кт напи́льником — file a contact point to smoothness
    конта́кты искря́т — there is sparking at the contacts
    переключа́ть конта́кты — switch contacts
    размыка́ть конта́кт — break [open] contact
    конта́кты располага́ются с ша́гом, напр. 5 см — contacts are arranged on, e. g., 5 cm centres
    конта́кты (напр. реле выключателя-автомата) [m2]расхо́дятся [размыка́ются] — the contacts (e. g., of a relay, circuit-breaker) part
    2. (часто, но неточно — место подсоединения провода) terminal
    беспа́ечный конта́кт — crimp contact
    биметалли́ческий конта́кт — bimetallic contact
    блокиро́вочный конта́кт (в реле, мате-выключателе) — auxiliary contact
    ва́куум-пло́тный конта́кт (между, напр. двумя металлами) — gas-tight contact
    выпрямля́ющий конта́кт — rectifying contact, rectifying junction
    гермети́ческий конта́кт [герко́н] — hermetically sealed [sealed contact] reed relay
    гнездово́й конта́кт — female contact
    дугогаси́тельный конта́кт — arcing contact
    заземлё́нный конта́кт — earthed [grounded] terminal
    замыка́ющий конта́кт — make [normally open, N.O.] contact
    извлека́емый конта́кт — front-release [rear-release] contact
    и́мпульсный конта́кт ( номеронабирателя) — impulse spring
    конта́кт иска́теля враща́тельного движе́ния — rotary contact
    конта́кт иска́теля подъё́много движе́ния — vertical contact
    катя́щийся конта́кт — rolling contact
    конта́кт ключа́, рабо́чий ни́жний — anvil
    кро́мочный конта́кт ( зубьев шестерён) — edge contact
    лине́йный конта́кт — line contact
    магнитоуправля́емый конта́кт — ferreed contact, ferreed switch
    конта́кт мета́ллов, непосре́дственный — metal-to-metal contact
    мо́стиковый конта́кт — bridge contact
    конта́кт на ма́ссу — frame [ground] connection
    невыпрямля́ющий конта́кт — barrier-free [nonrectifying, ohmic] contact
    неподви́жный конта́кт — fixed contact
    ножево́й конта́кт — jack-in [knife-type] contact, contact [switch] blade
    ножно́й конта́кт — floor push, pedal
    норма́льно за́мкнутый конта́кт — break [normally closed, N.C.] contact
    норма́льно откры́тый конта́кт — make [normally open, N.O.] contact
    норма́льно разо́мкнутый конта́кт — make [normally open, N.O.] contact
    обжи́мный конта́кт — crimp contact
    оми́ческий конта́кт — ohmic contact
    опти́ческий конта́кт — optical contact
    па́льцевый конта́кт — finger contact
    перекидно́й конта́кт — two-way break-before-make contact
    переключа́ющий конта́кт — transfer contact
    перехо́дный конта́кт — two-way make-before-break contact
    печа́тный конта́кт — printed contact
    пла́вающий конта́кт — floating contact
    плохо́й конта́кт — contact is poor
    пове́рхностный конта́кт — surface contact
    подви́жный конта́кт — movable [moving] contact
    поляризо́ванный конта́кт — polarized contact
    конта́кт прерыва́теля автоbreaker point
    зачища́ть конта́кт прерыва́теля — dress the breaker point
    рабо́чий конта́кт — load-carrying contact
    раздво́енный конта́кт — split contact
    размыка́ющий конта́кт — break [normally closed, N.C.] contact
    разрывно́й конта́кт — interrupting contact; ( выключателя-мата) arcing tip
    розе́точный конта́кт — cluster contact
    самозачища́ющийся конта́кт — wiping contact
    самоуде́рживающийся конта́кт — self-holding [self-latching] contact
    конта́кт свечи́ зажига́ния — spark-plug point
    конта́кт с двойны́м замыка́нием — make-make contact
    сигна́льно-блокиро́вочный конта́кт — auxiliary switch contact
    скользя́щий конта́кт — sliding contact
    слои́стый конта́кт — laminated contact
    те́сный конта́кт — intimate contact
    тормозно́й конта́кт — braking contact
    торцо́вый конта́кт — butt contact
    то́чечный конта́кт — point contact
    холосто́й конта́кт — dead contact, dummy stud
    конта́кт ште́псельного разъё́ма — ( на стороне подсоединения проводов) terminal; ( гнездо или штырь) contact
    штыково́й конта́кт — bayonet contact
    штырько́вый конта́кт — male contact
    щё́точный конта́кт — brush contact

    Русско-английский политехнический словарь > контакт

  • 5 нефтебаза

    * * *
    нефтеба́за ж.
    oil tank farm
    перева́лочная нефтеба́за — oil handling terminal
    призаводска́я нефтеба́за — crude-oil [oil-stock] yard
    распредели́тельная нефтеба́за — oil distribution centres
    * * *

    Русско-английский политехнический словарь > нефтебаза

См. также в других словарях:

  • Terminal point de vente — ● Terminal point de vente terminal informatique utilisé dans des centres commerciaux, faisant fonction de caisse enregistreuse et assurant la communication d informations de gestion à un système informatique centralisé …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • terminal — 1. terminal, ale, aux [ tɛrminal, o ] adj. et n. f. • 1763 bot.; v. 1530 « qui peut se terminer »; lat. terminalis 1 ♦ Didact. Qui termine, qui forme l extrémité de qqch. Bourgeon terminal, qui se développe à l extrémité de la tige. Partie… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Ocean Terminal, Hong Kong — Ocean Terminal Exterior view Location Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong Opening date 22 March 1966 Developer The Wharf (Holdings) Limited …   Wikipedia

  • Ocean Terminal, Edinburgh — Ocean Terminal Ocean Terminal in Leith, Edinburgh, Scotland is a shopping centre, designed by Sir Terence Conran. It is built on former industrial docklands on the north side of the city at the edge of the boundary between formerly separate ports …   Wikipedia

  • Classique Terminal Maya — Civilisation maya Sciences Tech. Astronomie Numération Calendrier Architecture Lettres Culture Religion …   Wikipédia en Français

  • List of shopping centres in the United Kingdom — This is a list of shopping centres in the United Kingdom. This list does not include retail parks.EnglandGreater London* Allders Mall, Croydon * Arcadia Centre, Ealing * Aylesham Centre, Peckham * The Bentall Centre, Kingston upon Thames *… …   Wikipedia

  • Daventry International Railfreight Terminal — Crick DIRFT. Entrance to container base off Rugby Northampton line. Taken from A5 bridge. Daventry International Rail Freight Terminal (DIRFT) is a rail port and logistics centre located near Rugby, Warwickshire and Crick, Northamptonshire just… …   Wikipedia

  • Classique terminal maya — Le classique terminal est une période de la civilisation maya (ca.800 950) marquée par le déclin culturel et démographique des cités mayas des Basses Terres méridionales et centrales, où cesse en l espace d un siècle l édification de monuments et …   Wikipédia en Français

  • District Centres of Delhi — Below is a list of the various district centres of Delhi: Map showing the nine districts of Delhi. Contents 1 South Delhi …   Wikipedia

  • List of shopping centres in Hong Kong — This is an alphabetical list of notable shopping centres in Hong Kong.Most of Hong Kong s malls are in the New Towns in the New Territories and attached to large residential developments or transit hubs. Malls in Kowloon and Hong Kong Island are… …   Wikipedia

  • TPV — Terminal Point de Vente. Dans certains centres commerciaux, terminal informatique situé à la caisse et directement relié à un système central. Il sert à la fois de caisse enregistreuse et renseigne sans intermédiaire sur le chiffre des ventes,… …   Sigles et Acronymes francais

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